February 20–May 8, 2016
Martha Wilson,Vito Acconci, Willoughby Sharp, Hannah Wilke,
Eunice Golden, Neke Carson, Roberta Allen, Adrian Piper, Roger
Welch, Karen Shaw, Jeff Way, Hans Breder, Susan Bee, Marc H.
Miller, Gene Beery, Eleanor Antin, Walter Weissman, Lorraine
O’Grady, Peter Moore, Joan Jonas, Jaime Davidovich, Bettie
Ringma, Mac Adams, Kerry Schuss, Morgan O’Hara, Stefan Eins,
Tehching Hsieh, Jack Smith, Indra Tamang, Charles Henri Ford,
Lynn Hershman Leeson, Trisha Brown, Duff Schweninger, Jared
Bark, James Collins, Betty Tompkins, Arthur Cohen, Christopher
D’Arcangelo, Roy Colmer, Dennis Oppenheim, Marcia Resnick,
Gerald Hayes, Terry Berkowitz, Charles Gatewood, Christopher
Rauchenberg, Stuart Brisley, Lee Lozano, Gordon Matta-Clark,
Bill Beckley, E’wao Kagoshima, Robert C. Morgan, Colette,
Janice Guy, Carolee Schneemann, David Wojnarowicz
Exhibition information
Village Voice
New Yorker
New York Times
GALLERY (Exhibitions, Artists, Press, Information)
Mitchell Algus Gallery
132 Delancey Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10002
Neke Carson, Retrospective (Vito Acconci, Seedbed, Sonnabend, 1972
Installation: Hannah Wilke, Lorraine O’Grady, Martha Wilson
Installation: Hans Breder, Janice Guy, Susan Bee
Installation: Tehching Tsieh, David Wojnarovicz, Duff Scheninger, Jack Smith,
Neke Carson, Vito Acconci
Installation: Arthur Cohen, Neke Carson, Marc H. Miller and Bettie Ringma, Adrian Piper
Installation: Terry Berkowitz, Colette
Installation: Eunice Golden, Jeff Way, Betty Tompkins
Arthur Cohen, Borromini Chapel, 1971
Colette, Sleeping on a Carl Andre sculpture, 1976
Jeff Way, Transformation Performance, 1976
Martha Wilson, Posturing: Male Impersonator (Butch), 1973
Lynn Hershmann Lesson, Construction Chart Drawing, 1973
Neke Carson, Art Therapy for Conceptual Artists, 1972
Roberta Allen, Pointless Acts #3, 1976
Morgan O’Hara, Time Study, 1976
Vito Acconci, Combination, 1971
Roger Welch, O. J. Simpson Project, 1977
Hans Breder, Body Sculpture, 1971
Roy Colmer, Manhattan Doors, 1975-76
Betty Tompkins, Censored Grid #1, 1974
Marc H. Miller, Choose a Flower or a Gun, 1972
Eunice Golden, Reorientation of the Figure at Scheduled Intervals, 1973
Gene Beery, Self Portrait No. 2, 1970s
Kerry Schuss, Kirlian Portrait, 1978
Eleanore Antin, The King, 1972
Stuart Brisley, ZL656395C, 1972
Jared Bark, Untitled (JBARK PB 1016), 1973
James Collins, Watching Leslie, 1975
Gerald Hayes, Drawing, 1973-74
Peter Moore, Trisha Brown’s “Man Walking Down the Side of a Building”, 80 Wooster St., New York, 1970, Copyright Barbara Moore, Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
Marcia Rescnick, Re-Visions (The Sandman), 1978
Terry Berkowitz, 12 Hours of Territorial Intrusion, 1974
Duff Schweninger, Animal Projection, 1973
Hannah Wilke, S.O.S. (Starification Object Series), 1974
Charles Gatewood, Miriam on the Waterbed, 1971
Christopher Rauschenberg, Chapter 4 (Two men in parking garage), 1974
Jack Smith, Subway to Coney Island (with Maria Antoinette), August 10, 1969
Lorraine O’Grady, Mlle. Bourgeoise Noire Celebrates with Friends, 1980